Travel Poster☀❀☁
12 Pictures out of 50
Pop art is a form of art that is made to enhance culture things are popular at that moment. Andy Warhol is considered pop artist because he uses lots of different colors and he put a person who was popular at the time and makes them look different. the way he enhances people in different colors is what makes him so popular. I choose Andy Warhol because his work really enhances and its different from tohers.
Painting With Light❊🌣
AI in photography✷
Your camera is harnessing the power of AI every single time you press the shutter. The AI is a kind of digital assistant can understand what you’re saying and transform the words you say into a variety of different tasks.AI can even be used creatively to make art or help to enhance your type of photography and your creativity in taking photos. Many types of photo editing software’s utilize AI technology to do anything from adjusting exposure and contrast, all the way to digitally removing noise or sharpening your image it adds a personal touch. there are many ways you can use AI in photos. the Ai tool helps photographers focus on their subject. It helps with zooming and recognition. Artificial intelligence has been around for a while to help photographers be more efficient and capture better images. It has one of the best tools for editing and capturing moments in photography.
Candid Moments♫
Portraits Pt.2✳
photographer~ tangents photography
Questions/ Answers
1) The main purpose of key light in photography is to highlight the subject and showcase the dimensions.
2)Fill light is a powerful tool for adding depth and dimensions to your photographs.
3)Split light, Loop, butter light, broad, short light and rim light